077 - Hymn Melodies for Two Violas, Volume II
077 - Hymn Melodies for Two Violas, Volume II
Hymn Melodies For Two Violas, Volume II
15 Arrangements with 3 Verses, 46 Total Pages
Scroll to the bottom for a complete song list as well as key signatures.
Hymn Melodies For Two Violas, Volume II is a direct transcription of Hymn Melodies For Two Violins and is exactly a fifth lower in pitch. The same titles are included as those in Volume I, having three verses of each hymn. The second viola part increases in difficulty — easy, medium, then hard.
Volume II is substantially more challenging than Volume I. All third verses contain running 16th note passages, using 3rd and 4th position. This volume is geared for students in at least the end of Suzuki book 5 or the beginning of book 6 or for students studying perhaps the Bach Double or Telemann Concerto. Challenges all levels of players and creates a marvelous crescendo effect for the listener, whether it is in a living room or a church service!
Contents: Watts: I Sing the Mighty Power (D) Lowry: Nothing But the Blood (C) Elvey: Crown Him With Many Crowns (G) Jones: There's Pow'r in the Blood (D) Bradbury: The Solid Rock (C) Holden: All Hail the Power (C) Traditional: Amazing Grace (C) Doane: To God Be the Glory (C) Weeden: I Surrender All (C) Knapp: Blessed Assurance (G) Bliss: It is Well With My Soul (G) Luther: A Mighty Fortress (G) Draper: All Creatures of Our God and King (G) Sullivan: Onward Christian Soldiers (G) Luther: O, Sacred Head, Now Wounded (D minor).